Sunday, June 19, 2011

@dogsplaybasketballknight/Knight Magicclaw

Didn't my bro just say not to advertise?! DON'T! It's mean to go to other blogs and try to make your blog famous! I dis-like you now!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


OK! I went over this in my head and asked myself, "Why is this an Animal Jam blog, if I won't even post things about Animal Jam or new stuff?" The answer came to me and said: "I'm making MY newspaper place." Which is a place where you can view all the newspapers Key used, and the papers I've found. Now good-bye! I am making the Newspaper Place SOON!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

New Stuff!!!

Here are some new stuff that is around AJOTG! (Weird abbreviation huh?)

  • Best Buddies! (mods)
  • New page!
  • New person here!
That's all! (I won't be posting the new stuff on Animal Jam by the way!)

Now I got to GO!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Me!

Hello people! I have finally figured out how to get another animal! Here it is:

Ok! That's it! ~Crouching Speedyboy Over and Out!~

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Post 1

I love animal jam and a thing called "dan-ball". My brother is Key99. Here he is:

I'm Crouching Speedyboy up there! And now I will show you a picture of his blog!

His is 'Animal Jam Stuff'. Now it's time to go!